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Thursday, August 15, 2019


Making the Transition (From High School to University)

      Have you noticed the difference between your life as a high school student and a university student? Compared to your high school teachers, how are your lecturers? Are you keeping up with your studies? In comparison to your life as a high school student, are you doing better or worse in academic studies and co-curriculum activities?

     Taking the first step into the university life is like stepping into a completely different world. First step is always the scariest and it takes a lot of courage to do so. 

Learning Styles and Characteristics of Successful Students

There are three different major styles of learning:

Activity 1: Identify your Learning style

My scores on my Learning Styles test

           My result determines that I'm more of a Visual learner: I learn and gain information from reading, seeing pictures and observing from other people. 

How would I change my learning style:

     Based on the result, I have been determined as a Visual Learner. Visual learners can process information that they lay their upon than information that they can here. I'm a learner who heavily rely on what I see. I learn, understand and remember things by sight. Visual learners prefer it when information are presented in mind maps, pictures and graphs. 

       There are plenty of ways that visual learner like myself can do to learn and gain information better: 
  1. Write down keywords, ideas and instructions.
  2. Look away to proccess the information or things you just saw.
  3. Sit at the front part of the classroom to gain better visual.
  4. Color code things with colourful highlighters
  5. Avoid any distractions in your sight when you are learning.
  6. Draw pictures, mind maps or graphs to understand and explain things better.

6 steps to university success



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